If you are unclear in your personal life, it will be the same in your investing. To become a successful investor, we need to remove confusion and replace it with clarity by expanding and nurturing ourselves in four dimensions.
Four Critical Dimensions of A Successful Investor
Emotional Dimension:
Our success is highly related to our sense of personal security. If we are emotionally insecure and we constantly seek approval, even though we may be intellectually very advanced, life can be terribly threatening for us.
We should invest in a way that suits our purpose and not as a way to impress others. And the fact is we will end up with disappointment and misery by seeking approval from those who don’t share our vision and don’t have our skills or risk appetite. We need to cut through all the noise from friends, family, media, colleagues, agents, etc., and focus only on our goals and strategy. And this requires a great sense of personal security and self-confidence.
Therefore, we must invest for profit, not others’ approval.
Emotional decision making, fear of missing out, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake, analysis paralysis and procrastination are some other issues that we need to deal with in our emotional dimension if we want to become successful in life and investing. Let me know in the comment section if you want to know more about above issues.
Mental Dimension:
The journey to becoming a successful investor is rewarding, but it’s not without its challenges.
Being unclear and confused is the enemy of success as it kills our motivation. So, in order to become successful, we need to have a clear vision of ‘what’ we want to achieve and ‘why’ we want to achieve them.
Our ‘why’ will help us to create clarity and a mindset that is required for success. And this mindset and vision, along with our desire for success, will push us to take actions in pursuing our investing dreams. If we know our why, we can then improve ourselves by learning and growing our investing skills to maximize our investing profit.
So don’t even think about investing if you don’t know your why yet.
Physical Dimension:
Poor health can easily prevent us from success, so we need to take good care of our body by exercising and having a healthy diet. The greatest benefit we will experience from exercising will be the development of our proactivity and willpower. When we exercise, our self-esteem and self-confidence will also be profoundly affected, and all of these are critical factors in our life and investing success.
If you haven’t been exercising, your body will definitely not like this change in the beginning. You may even hate it. But be proactive and do it anyway. Even if it’s raining on the morning you have scheduled to jog, do it anyway. And tell yourself: Fantastic! It’s raining! I can develop my willpower as well as my body!
Spiritual Dimension:
How can you even think about investing when you don’t know your life purpose in the first place and don’t have enough peace to even think about improving your life?!
The spiritual dimension is our core, our sense of purpose, and our commitment to our values, and it fills the void in our souls. It can inspire us, guide us, and release our energy, and it helps us to maintain our peace and integrity even in hard times.
You can work on your spiritual dimension by meditating, having daily quiet time with yourself, reading great literature, listening to great music, or spending some time in nature or anything else that works for you and fills your mind and heart with peace and a sense of purpose.
Therefore, remember to nurture your spiritual dimension daily if you are looking for peace, real success, and a sense of purpose in life.
How to Become A Successful Investor
So spend some time assessing your strengths and weaknesses in these four dimensions and create a plan to improve them in order to increase your chance of success in life and investing.
If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and loved ones. Why? Because the more you give, the more you shall receive. So it is about becoming a person of value. So make sure to share this with your friends and loved ones right now and comment below and share any questions or feedback you may have.
And as always, follow your heart, my friend, and take action and go live the life you’re truly born to live.
Take care
Amir sehat