
Buyers' Agent FAQ

What Is a Buyer Agent or Buyer Advocate? 

A buyer advocate, also known as a buyer's agent, is a real estate professional hired by property buyers, such as home buyers or investors, to research, evaluate, and negotiate property purchases. Unlike real estate agents, who represent the interests of sellers, a buyer advocate works solely for the buyer, ensuring that their needs are at the forefront.

The role of a buyer advocate may vary, but typically it includes understanding the buyer's needs and requirements, researching and shortlisting suitable properties, and negotiating the purchase to obtain the best possible price. All of these services align with the client's goals and specifications, making it an indispensable service for anyone looking to purchase property in a market largely designed to favor sellers.

Do I Need a Buyer Advocate to Buy a Property?

Hiring a buyer advocate is not obligatory when buying a property, but it is undoubtedly advantageous. Engaging this professional service can empower your property buying journey in seven distinct ways:

  1. Time Efficiency: Streamline the process and save precious time by letting an expert handle the research and negotiations.
  2. Avoid Missing Opportunities: Enhance your ability to seize opportunities by leveraging professional negotiation skills, preventing missed chances due to lack of expertise.
  3. Financial Savings: Utilise expert insights to negotiate better deals and save money on your property purchase.
  4. Risk Mitigation: Avoid costly mistakes and pitfalls with informed guidance and expert advice.
  5. Fact-Based Decisions: Benefit from an expert's objective perspective, enabling you to make decisions grounded in facts rather than emotions.
  6. Overcome Decision Overwhelm: Navigate complex choices with ease, preventing analysis paralysis through expert assistance.
  7. Stress & Frustration Reduction: Enjoy a seamless and stress-free experience throughout your property journey, knowing a seasoned professional is handling all the intricate details.

By investing in the services of a buyer advocate, you are not just buying property; you're strategically positioning yourself to make intelligent, cost-effective decisions with full confidence and peace of mind.

Why Choose Us? Our Service VS Typical Buyer Advocates

Our Business

Typical Buyers' Advocate

Data-Driven Selection: Analysing 68 unique factors for suburb and property research, free from hidden "selling" motives

Often guided by hidden interests, pushing clients toward specific areas.

Australian Wide Service: With our unique data-driven approach, we enable you to purchase a property anywhere in Australia.

They are often limited to only a few suburbs or, at best, one state, restricting your options and potentially missing opportunities that align with your goals.

Money-Back Guarantee: Your satisfaction and success are our priorities, which is why we offer a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

We haven't seen any buyer agents offer this! Let us know if you find one!

Fixed Pricing - Genuine Savings: Our fixed pricing is independent of your budget, reflecting a genuine effort to reduce your purchase price.

Variable pricing tied to your budget, with no real incentive to save you money.

Unbiased Recommendation: No commissions from third parties. We recommend suburbs & properties based on meticulous data analysis and our moral boundaries, all with a focus on your benefit

Potential conflicts of interest may guide their recommendations of suburbs or properties, with choices influenced solely by hidden commissions from sellers, sales agents, builders, or developers.

Holistic Approach: Collaborating with expert teams of accountants, financial advisors, solicitors, mortgage brokers etc for your maximum benefit, aligning our service with your financial goals.

Limited only to finding a property, without understanding the broader impacts on cash flow, risk, tax, and long-term goals

Customised Service: We tailor our suburb and property research to your specific needs, risk appetite, cash flow, and growth goals, rather than our connections with sellers or developers.

Typical one-size-fits-all strategies, guided by their connections, may not align with your best interests

In-Depth Analysis: Our rigorous analysis requires a higher deposit. We invest countless hours in identifying high-performing suburbs tailored to your unique needs. This larger deposit ensures our personalised approach, serving your best interest.

Typical buyers' agents may require a smaller deposit, reflecting a standard approach without tailored selection, possibly signifying a lack of commitment to your success.

Transparent Process: We provide clarity, confidence, and comfort by offering facts and transparent data analysis throughout our process

They may attempt to convince rather than inform, lacking clarity and transparency.

What Are The Benefits of Using Your Service?

Our Services Benefits

Avoid Costly Mistakes

Our deep research and market expertise guide home buyers and investors to informed decisions, potentially saving them from costly mistakes that average around 2.5% of the property value.

Strategic Appraisal & Negotiation

Agents have subtle strategies that could drive prices up, costing you an unnoticed extra 5%. On a $1 million home, that's a sneaky $50,000 more! With our expertise, we spot and counter these tactics, ensuring you pay a fair price without overpaying.

Harness The Power Of Data - Growth

Our proprietary “EstateElite-68” property acquisition system identifies high-growth areas by analysing 68 market factors, potentially unlocking an extra 2% growth. Compared to DIY or competitor services, this could translate to an extra $280k over 10 years on a $700k property.

Harness The Power Of Data - Rental Income

Also, our EstateElite-68 system stands out in identifying properties offering a rental yield of 5-7%, a significant improvement over the average 2.5-3.5% yield. On a $1 million property, this advantage means an additional $25,000 to $35,000 in annual income compared to typical investments.

Saving Time and Money

Our streamlined system accelerates the buying process, reducing the average purchasing timeframe from 8.5 months (for solo buyers) to just 1.5 months. This efficiency could save buyers approximately $60k on a $1m property in a suburb with 10% annual growth.

Avoid Excessive holding costs

Choosing the wrong property can lead to significant unnecessary costs, which include high insurance fees, maintenance expenses, and mandatory improvements due to council regulations. The Insurance Council of Australia indicates that some buyers incur up to $30,000 in annual holding costs from such mistakes.

Expert Team at Your Service

Our dedicated team, including accountants, financial advisors, mortgage brokers, solicitors, building inspectors and more, collaborates to maximise the benefits for property buyers.

Transparent and Unbiased

Our fees are fixed and not based on a percentage of the purchasing price. We also decline third-party commissions, ensuring unbiased advice consistently prioritises your interests.

Overcome Decision Overwhelm

Navigate complex choices with ease, preventing analysis paralysis through expert assistance.

Stress & Frustration Reduction

Enjoy a seamless and stress-free experience throughout your property journey, knowing a seasoned professional is handling all the intricate details.

Access To Genuine Off-Market Properties 

While many off-market properties can be overpriced or problematic, our expertise ensures you receive only genuine, value-for-money options.

Impressive Results

Our results speak for themselves. Last year alone, we helped over 25 clients. We secured a property in just 7 days for one, and for others, we locked in up to $65k equity upon settlement. Plus, we pinpointed properties with an impressive 7% rental yield in booming suburbs. With our help, these results are within your reach too.

Amir Sehat

We serve not only as your property buying consultants but also as your trusted allies.

Purchasing a home often represents the most significant financial and emotional commitment one makes. It's vital not to navigate this journey solo. Have an ally by your side.

Amir Sehat

Your Trusted Partner

How Long Does It Take To Purchase A Property Using Your Service?

When using our service, the property purchasing process is significantly expedited. Thanks to our streamlined system, the average purchasing timeframe is reduced from 8.5 months, which is typical for solo buyers, to just 1.5 months.

Buying faster helps you avoid price increases. 

Buyers' Agent FAQ

How Much Money Can We Save Using Your Service?

Buying faster helps you avoid price increases. 

Reflect on this real example - A 3-bedroom house in a high-growth suburb of Sydney, purchased by Property Demand for $850k in 2023.

As the table above shows, our client saved $47,500 by using our service.

Is Your Service Worth The Fee?

For many Australians, property isn't just about bricks and mortar—it's about home, future, and security. The path to the perfect property, however, isn't always clear. It's filled with twists and turns, potential oversights, and costly mistakes. It's no wonder that even those confident in their market knowledge can find themselves overwhelmed and afraid of making mistakes.

Our service bridges this gap. We're not just here to help you find a property—we're here to ensure that your journey to your dream home or ideal investment is smooth, informed, and free from pitfalls. It's a significant decision, both financially and emotionally, and we understand the weight of that.

Our clients believe our fee is a small price for the clarity, confidence, and savings we bring to the table. They see it as the best investment that they have ever made, given the numerous benefits of our service (as outlined in question number 4 above). When you're navigating the complexities of the property market, our expertise isn't just an advantage—it's essential. With us, you're not just buying a property; you're making a wise choice for your future.

Google Review

My partner and I were having trouble finding a house we liked that we could afford. After some close calls with properties that would have been bad purchases in hindsight I was referred to Amir at Property Demand. He walked us through narrowing down our search to a specific suburb, helped us specify what we considered necessities and what was realistically achievable with our budget. After identifying a property that we loved Amir worked on our negotiation strategy and we were very impressed with the price we paid for the property. He also gave us tips on how we can improve equity in the house without much financial investment. Engaging Amir’s services might prove to be the best money we’ve ever spent.

Project BT Property

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Your satisfaction and success mean everything to us. That's why we proudly stand behind our promise: If our service doesn't meet your expectations, you're entitled to a full refund, as per our Terms & Conditions.

With nothing to lose, why not give it a try?

Why Do Some Buyers' Advocates Require Smaller Deposits?

When choosing a buyer advocate, you'll often find some requesting a deposit, also known as engagement fee or retainer, typically between $2,500 to $5,000, sometimes even $1,500.

Particularly for our investment package, we ask for a higher deposit. This is not arbitrary. Here is why:

  1. Our Comprehensive Approach: Our team dedicates countless hours analysing and identifying high-performing suburbs that align with your specific requirements. This substantial deposit mirrors our commitment to a tailored service, ensuring we serve your best interest.
  2. The Importance of Location: Location plays a pivotal role in property investment. We take this to heart by meticulously analysing 15,000 suburbs across Australia. We aim to match specific rental yields, vacancy rates, and capital growth patterns to your investment strategy and goals. Our thorough approach ensures that every recommendation is based on hard data and aligns with your unique needs.
  3. Customisation Over Generalisation: Many buyers' agents might direct their clients to specific suburbs based solely on existing relationships. This can often overlook the client's best interest. Unlike this one-size-fits-all approach, we prioritise aligning your needs with the most suitable suburbs, ensuring maximum benefits from your investment.

In conclusion: The reason many buyers' agents might ask for a smaller deposit could suggest a more generic approach to suburb selection. This is often because they rely on a standard list of suburbs they use for all investors, regardless of their unique objectives, risk appetite, cash flow requirement, and short- and long-term goals. Hence, they risk little if a client decides to leave after receiving this list and, therefore, require a smaller deposit.

In contrast, our approach is to create a tailored list of suburbs specific to each client. This demands countless hours of research to match a client's needs with the best suburbs for them, and each list varies from one client to another.

Our requirement for a higher deposit not only ensures our dedication but also safeguards us from potential loss if a client decides to pull out after benefiting from our specialised research. This rationale underscores why we mandate a higher deposit: to furnish clients with a highly customised list of suburbs that optimises their return on investment while mitigating risks.

What Do The Clients Think About This Service?
