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Buy NOW or WAIT? Should you Buy A Property in 2022?

Should you Buy A Property in 2022? In order to answer this question, we need to understand the buyers’ and sellers’ market first.

Buyers’ Market Vs Sellers’Market

A buyers’ market is when buyers have more negotiation power than sellers. When you’re in a buyers’ market, typically property prices are going down because properties are being absorbed slowly, and property inventories are increasing.

In a sellers’ market, sellers have the power, and buyers are competing with each other to push the prices up, and the properties are being absorbed quickly.

So, a buyers’ market is when prices are soft, and the sellers’ market is when prices are strong.

If you’re buying in a sellers’ market, you’re probably going to end up paying a premium, so you need to be careful.

On the other hand, when you’re buying in a buyers’ market, it is mentally and emotionally hard to purchase a property, as you’re not sure when the downturn is going to end.

But intelligent investing is not so different from intelligent clothes shopping. As Warren Buffett says, always buy your straw hats in winter when they are discounted because of low demand. Likewise, always invest when the properties are discounted and experiencing low demand.

Buy A Property in 2022?

So Should you Buy A Property in 2022?

The truth is that you can make far more money in down markets by buying at low prices and waiting for the market to recover than buying at high prices.

But be cautious, as you really don’t want to be a forced seller in a down market. That is a very scary position to be in, as the price you get for your property could probably be lower than your expectation, and you can’t really do anything about it.

In the worst-case scenario, the selling price could even be lower than what you owe the bank. And that means that you need to pay the bank from your savings to settle the property. Ouch!

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and loved ones. Why? Because the more you give, the more you shall receive. So it is about becoming a person of value. So make sure to share this with your friends and loved ones right now and comment below and share any questions or feedback you may have.

And as always, follow your heart, my friend, and take action and go live the life you’re truly born to live.

Take care,

Amir Sehat

Disclaimer: Information given in this article/website is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

About the author

Amir Sehat is the chief property adviser and buyer advocate at Property Demand, known for his data-driven approach to researching 15,000 suburbs across Australia to identify booming suburbs as investment destinations.

A fun fact about him is that his deep knowledge and enthusiasm have earned him the nickname 'Property Nerd'.

He provides expert advisory and advocacy services to a wide array of clients, including:

- Property investors seeking to purchase high-growth and high-cashflow properties.
- Home buyers looking to avoid costly mistakes and save time
- Property sellers aiming to achieve the highest selling price

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